This form allows each user, who is also System Administrator, to customize each object (field, checkbox, option box, etc.) of any standard form.
Web version (from the 2015.05 release)
It is activated from the toolbar, “Tools” section, by clicking on “config.” and choosing “Customize objects” (in forms where you do not see the toolbar, a button in the upper right corner will be visible).
You will see a selection list containing the names of all objects on the form, and after you have chosen what you want to change appears the relevant form shown in the figure below.
client / server version
It is activated by clicking on a tab with the right mouse button on an object and choosing “Customize the subject.”
information always present:
Location and size of the field : shows the distances from the edge of the field (Card Top and Left ) and the size of the same: Height and Width . Are editable fields, if you want to move the object or reduce it or extend it.
Roles authorized to edit this field : have checked authorizations that you must have to modify the object in question.
Roles which this object is displayed for: checked authorizations that you must have to see the object in question, regardless of the right to use it.
Steps to take to the creation . For the client/server version, insert a script in dBl language, while for the Web version the language to use is VB.NET. In both versions, the object is accessed through the “this” variable.
Enable Condition (redefines the standard) . For the client/server version, insert a script in dBl language, while for the Web version the language to use is VB.NET. In both versions, the object is accessed through the “this” variable, and the script must return a Boolean value with the “Return” instruction
Change Condition (redefines the standard) . For the client/server version, insert a script in dBl language, while for the Web version the language to use is VB.NET. In both versions, the object is accessed through the “this” variable, and the script must return a Boolean value with the “Return” instruction
Information present depending on the type of object:
Text , present when the object is a button or the heading of a field or check box or other.
Datalink , that is loacted the name of the field within the database and its main characteristics: type and number of characters.
The content formatting options: If the field has a specific format, is shown here.
In this case, for example, it is a date field ( Function = D), the format ( Mask ) dd / mm / yyyy.
Another example: the numeric field (function = J) from 9999999.99 mask.
Translation of the object strings (web version only)
For the web version, you can insert or modify the translations of strings in the object, through the appropriate section at the bottom of form.
Note that it is possible to automatically translate the text from Italian to one of the other available languages, by clicking on the corresponding flag.
The translation is performed using the service provided by Microsoft Bing.