47 articles QW-FD – Form Designer Page 4 / 5


Description Inserts within the form an image. Specific Properties In addition to common properties contains the following properties: ImageName allows you to load an image from an external folder. Specific events None For more information read here. Properties that can be used by code C/S Properties Visible: True if the field is visible on the…


Description The Form is an object that contains other objects. Specific Properties In addition to common properties contains the following properties: Comments: visible only at design phase, allows information such as the description of the form itself, and change’s history. Specific events of the form The main events on the form are: ChangeformEvent: this event…


Description Allows the user to insert data freely. Specific properties CalendarioWeb If you set True this property, when the object will be displayed on the web interface, next to the CalendarioWeb appears a button to enable the Calendar. Specific events ChangeEvent event activated when change the value of the field. Can be used to –…


Description The “Numeric Field” is designed to be able to insert a number or currency amount (or phone number). Specific properties In addition to common properties contains the following properties: Picture specify the format in which you want a number is displayed on the form; in particular it is possible to define or not the…


Description It allows you to insert in the form  HTML text. Specific properties None For more information see common properties. Specific events This object don’s support the “ChangeEvent“. For more information read here. Properties that can be used by code C/S Properties Nativeobject.editorEnabled: If is False, the field is onlyreading, if is True, the field is reading/writing.…


GRAPHICAL PROPERTIES The properties of the various fields used in forms and the properties of the form itself (see here), are all listed on the right side of the Designing Plan and are displayed when you select the object in question (by clicking on it). NOTE: The property grid can be displayed by category or…


Description The “Notebooks field” allows to insert more subforms, each in turn be configured with various objects. Specific properties In addition to common properties contains the following properties: Multiline: if is True, it extends the field to increase the space. TabPages: activates a subfunction of typical properties of this object Specific events None. For more information…


Description It’s an object used to handle more Radiobuttons objects belonging to the same group (same “Group” property) that are selectable as an alternative to one another; Specific properties In addition to common properties contains the following properties: Group: represents the group to which the BottoneRadio belongs. More RadioButtons belonging to the same group represent…


Description Since version 09.03 h, were made available a new objects: the “container” object. Within the object,it’ s possible to insert other objects, treating the whole as one single. This is often very useful, for example you can hide more objects simply hiding the container. Specific properties See common properties. Specific events None For more information about Events click here. Properties…