To insert an object click on the relative object’s name and drag it over the design plan;
You can click on the object to select it or drag it from the toolbar on the Project Plan (holding down the left mouse’s button).
Usually at each object is given a label, i.e. a description.
When you place a new object, the program helps the alignment of the object relative to other already positioned, with colored guidelines:
It is always possible to make manual alignment with the buttons at the top left side of the form;
after you select the objects to align, the buttons below highlighted are inactive if they are not selected at least two objects:
NOTE: To select two objects, once clicked on the first one, click on the second while pressing the Ctrl button.
There is also the possibility to do an automatic placement; you can give the dimensions in a consistent manner between objects;
select objects of which you want to achieve uniform size and use the buttons on the toolbar of the window shown below. As for the buttons of the alignment, even if these are not active are not selected at least two objects.