47 articles QW-FD – Form Designer Page 5 / 5


Description Inserting a combobox, the user inserts a drop-down box, that displays in a drop down list some dropdown items. the items listed are specified in the property “Querylista”. Specific properties For this type of object has many common properties, but it’s good to highlight among them the property Querylista. Specific events ChangeEvent event activated…


Description This control has been available since version 2011.00-a. It was designed as entry field bound to a text format (specified in the property “Mask”). Specific properties In addition to common properties contains the following properties: Mask: using the following character you can determine the type of mask to be included on the form: X:It indicates…


Description Since the version 2011.00a is available the inserting time’format HH:MM o HH:MM:SS. Specific properties In addition to common properties contains the following properties: ShowSeconds: It determines whether the input format must be HH: MM: SS (“True”) or HH: MM (“False“). If the type of the linked database field is string (CUSTOMXX), the data will…


The “Toolbar” is the part of the form designer presenting all available programming objects. The form can be freely designed using any object. Image To insert a picture that is present on all form (can be your company logo or product or a photo, etc.) Button To insert a button. TextField To insert data freely…


What is an “Event” Events are pieces of code that are executed in response to “characteristic events”; After selecting an object, you can see at the side between the properties of the object, the events available dedicated it. Events can be associated both to individual objects (see pages related to single object), both to the…


The fields placed on a form can be used within document templates ( file management’s  case) or print templates ( form management’s case). Setting a printinting template for forms is useful for a  better viewing in reading (see also here about opening a document form in reading). By clicking the “Define Form Report” in the “DOCUMENTATION MANAGEMENT CONFIGURATION”…


To respond to the requirement by companies about customized workflow management based on forms (and not files), we decided to integrate a new tool in QualiWare “QualiWare Form Designer“. QualiWare Form Designer is an innovative tool that seeks to allow non-expert users to easily configure both data request forms for new documents, both real data collection…