For each category of documents, you can define subgroups, to simplify the search in the tree and provide a classification of documents, according to various criteria. On the General form of document management Configuration, press the button “sub-groups” (absent if the category is fictional), which opens the following form:
- Press the button
to define a subset of a category: give it a Description and a sequence number (Ord. field) to set the display order in the tree (if the number remains 0, or equal numbers, the order is alphabetical).
- Then define the grouping policy:
- Grouping to document code: fill in the fields from type/code and to type/code, inserting the full code of the first and of the last document to be included in the Group: will be included (and then displayed or managed by special forms) all documents whose codes fall within the same range.
- Second Grouping SQL filter: you can specify in the field Filter, a SQL expression that is evaluated on the Management Form of documentation (you can use in SQL filter, the LIKE operator and all functions permitted by the SQL database language used). Will be included in the group all records whose fields meet this expression.
- Grouping based on the value of a field or SQL expressions: you can specify one or more fields (up to four) of the Form of management of documentation by choosing from the drop-down box, which includes the only character fields; this creates many sub-groups as there are distinct values of that field, with the exception of null values.
The possibility of grouping for SQL expressions is very useful if you need to group for date fields, numeric fields, fields combinations or also make decoder using subqueries. - Grouping by Status: in particular, between the values of the fields you can also choose the Status in which the documents are divided into subgroups corresponding to the phase of planned workflow (editorial, Published, etc.).Note: grouping is done on the basis of a new field added to the DOCUMENT table. This field is not updated for documents already existing at the time of the QualiWare update, but it updates each subsequent modification. For this reason, in sub-groups may appear only documents created or modified after the update. To be able to see directly into the document tree of the Panel list of documents contained in a subgroup and its related documents (but only if QualiWare internal), tick the box “Show documents list in the tree”.
In the example shown, the category Consumi energetici provides the grouping for year (Anno) and users (utenza) and the relative secondary groups.