The Documents Search form allows you to search for one or more documents by applying filters:
Use the following options depending on what you want to search:
- in the drop-down box Documents Category specify a category of documents, or leave as “All”;
- specify, if you know the Document Code, in order to limit the search to documents specified subcategory;
- in the field Words to search, type the word you want to search for;
- If you want to search only the documents published before such a date, you can fill in the fields Published from – to;
- You can also search for documents by choosing editor drop-down box edited by the name that it concerns;
- If the word is not part of the title but it is inside the text tick Search in text;
- Remove the check mark in the field Ignores cases if you want to specifically search for uppercase or lowercase words;
- Choose if search At least one word or All the words if you want to refine your search.
NOTE If you do not give other filters the program searches only published documents
The search can be further limited to only:
- documents waiting for action = documents that are waiting for a check, approval or publication by you;
- documents distributed = documents that were distributed to a recipient in particular: by selecting this box, you will see a field where you can enter the name of the Recipient; the magnifying glass button opens a list of possible recipients (taken from the registry of units, persons, etc.); next to the button will show even the box only doc. new, checking which will show only those documents that have not yet had confirmation of receipt by the recipient.
- include documents in drafting phase
- include obsolete documents.
Then launch the search button Start Search.
You can stop the searching process by pressing ESC.
If you have checked the option include obsolete documents in the list that results from research, the documents no longer in force are highlighted by the term *** NO LONGER VALID ***. Also, if you click to open a document no longer valid, before the view a warning message is given.
Search results
If the search terms without a result, given a clear message: Found 0 Documents.
The displayed documents can be opened or simply displayed with the respective buttons “Open” and “Read”.
Through the “Filter” button you can make a further filter on the columns of the list of documents found..
Through the “Export to Excel” button you can export the list of documents obtained in a spreadsheet.
The button “create ZIP” creates a ZIP file containing all documents found.
The button “Print” allows you to launch the printing of all documents found. This function is present only in the client/server version.
Is it possible to send the documents found directly from this form, pressing the button “Distrib.”. This will open the multiple distribution.
This function can be used by all users, but the list shows only those files for which the user has editing rights, this being a prerequisite qualification to perform the deployment.