For each documental category you must define which users are enabled for editing, verification and approval; Since each document has its own characteristics, is not said, for example, that who has the skills to write quality manual have also the skills to write the procedure, and so to all other types of documents. Not only that: certain documents, by their very nature, may not require a complex process of verification and approval, being enough the only registration editor.

Note: there is a security system installed on the server, which provides for true security systems to server ratings granted to each user of the program, so that the documentation files can be edited or deleted by unauthorized users who will access the network.

To define all of these qualifications, the General Management (Documentation Configuration), press the button“Defining habilitation”, which will open a special ratings definition form:


  • At the top appear the tabs that correspond to previously defined workflow phases (phases of the Workflow Definition).

  • In addition to those, two more tabs appear: Superuser and predefined Recipients.


  • In the left table appear all QualiWare’s users with their own affiliation (code).

  • To proceed with the allocation of qualifications:

  1. Select the workflow stage on which to assign ratings

  2. Select the users you want to enable to the function of the selected tab (you can use the <ctrl> or <shift> function for a multiple selection)

  3. Press the button P_scelta-dx to move the selected names in the column to the right

  4. If you want to remove a user enabled, select it from the right column and press the button P_pulsantino_elimina

  5. proceed in the same way for other workflow phases envisaged

NOTE In assessing the qualifications of a user to a category, the program (from rel. 2010.00 h) considers all attributed to the user, and not only the first, as was the case previously.

  • The check box “Show only index the documents that relate to the user” allows you to restrict a user visibility on a documentary category to which documents or editor involved in the workflow.

  • Checking that box, you enable the following functions: “To enabled users to this stage shows all documents”, which allows users to a certain stage enabled to bypass the limitation of vision, being able to see all documents for a category.

Simplified workflow

If you wish to provide a Simplified editing process without verifiers or approvers or without both is sufficient, in this window, to not indicate any name in the respective entries “Verify” and “Approvement”.

For some default user workflow phases

It is possible that certain users should always speak to a certain workflow or phase should intervene if a certain condition. To define the automatic assignment of a user to a particular workflow stage, use the columns in the section Entitled:07red_do16_en

  1. Default: possible values are “No”, “Yes” and “condition”. If you specify “Yes“, the user will be automatically inserted in the respective phase. If you specify “Condition“, the user is automatically entered in the phase only if the specified condition is verified.

  2. Condition: represents a condition, written in dBL language, which returns “true” when the user should be placed in the workflow phase. You can refer to fields of the Document table through the array “Fields” (e.g. fields [“CUSTOM1”] .value = “xxx”).

  3. gg.: is the number of days late compared to today’s date, the expiry of the visa. If you leave the default value of “zero”, the date of request will be seen today.

Default users are assigned at the time of the form’s data.
Any users who have already given the visa are allowed although not included among those defaults.

NOTE This feature is only active for the documentary categories for which use has been made of the form designer to design the data entry form in the document.


The super user role has the function to give special powers to a person, placing it above all others and allowing her to play editor functions even when there weren’t expressly ascribed by who runs its documentary category.

The superuser can:

  1. See all documents of a document category, except where it has been called a “rule for limiting the visibility”, which is an expression that dBL can make use of the parameters, Fields, USERENTE, USERCODE that contains the array of DOCUMENT fields, the user code and the body code (the formula is evaluated for all entities that are assigned to the current user).

  2. Enter “Write” Although it is not an editor (in this case the name will be inserted between the editors).

  3. Enter with “Review” Although it does not participate in a workflow, and edit form fields whose modification has no role or restrictions is planned only for the superuser

  4. Carrying out any other operation reserved to the Editor (deletion, Revision, distribution, etc.)

    The superuser for a category are therefore not subject to the limitation of visibility given by check mark the box “Show only index the documents that relate to the user”, but may eventually have its own limitation of vision, defined freely through the aforementioned rule for limiting visibility.

To define a Superuser, select its tab “Superuser” that will open the following section:07red_do10_en

  1. Proceed to enabling the Superuser, choosing one or more users or entities: after they have been selected in the left column, with the arrow P_scelta-dx, move them in the right column.

  2. Optionally, if you want to limit the visibility of the Superuser to specific documents based on the values of the field, the user code or the codes of which the superuser belongs (who, otherwise, the superuser can display them all), use the Rule to restrict visibility in the manner described above.


It is possible, at the time of allocation of qualifications on a documentary category, to provide predefined recipient, with the aim of giving visibility of documents automatically in a given category to some users or entities without the need to manually deploy.

By choosing the tab “default Recipients” opens the following form, similar to previous ones:07red_do12_en

  1. To appoint one or more users or recipients, simply select them and, with the arrow P_scelta-dx, move them to the right.

  2. If you want to define recipients, whose code is plugged into one of the custom fields in the document, select the option “document field Value” which activates in the following fields:

    “the field contains the code of “
    (specify what reference code: If the customer/supplier or by a User or by an Institution.)

    – “field”
    (specify in which custom field is contained.)07red_do15_en

    For example, in this case all documents will be distributed to the following name in the field “Azienda”, regardless of whether the distribution is made to the traditional specific person.


  1. At the time of publication of the document, this window appears:07red_do555_en

    Leaving unticked the box Auto Distribution, default recipients will be automatically added to the distribution list. And, immediately, the program will perform the QualiWare distribution.

  2. By checking the box Show the deployment form, you avoid the automatic distribution via the distribution tab. This allows the user to deploy, possibly between the notification form or the form of the submission of the document.

  3. To avoid deploying default users, the user who publishes must uncheck the automatic distribution.


It’s possible to get a print in a grid that shows the distribution of ratings for interventions on each category of documents. Press the button “print array habilitations”.