This function is extremely powerful because it allows you to quickly create links to documents on the basis of common fields, without having to manually connect each document to the other.
To create a dossier you need to use on a Designer Form field the property Collate, which causes the field to become a research field for collating. The great benefit of the system is when the field for sorting is common to multiple documentary categories. In this case, for all documents in the category, will occur in the “Related Documents” box virtual dossiers corresponding to the values of the field.
Configure the same custom field (in ex. Function involved) in multiple categories and put True the property Collate.
In DataSourceQuery indicate the list from which to draw (can be one of the Registries or parameterizable causal Personal motives or other freely definable criteria).
When in one of the categories for which you have configured this custom field a new document is created, the program, in the data entry window, will ask you to specify a value for that field. In the example in the Function field, pressing the search button
opens the list of functions coded in QualiWare.
The value selected in this field – in this example, the external Consultancy function – will become a virtual dossier that the program will include in the list of Documents Attached to the document that you are creating; the virtual dossier will contain all the documents that have this sorted custom field value. You can see it in the Linked Documents window:
Is it possible to create a catalog of dossiers, i.e. a list of dossiers appointed in pleasure:
use the parameterizable causal cod. DWFAS and create the dossiers you want (Parameterizable Causal window);
follow the same procedure for the configuration of the field dedicated to the sorting described above, selecting in the BrowseQuery window the voice “Link to”.
When documents will be created in the Linked Documents window you will see the custom dossiers: