The button at the bottom right of the Approvers section of Actions on the Quality System opens the following selection window:


Select from the section on the left Enabled (Abilitati) the name of the person you want to enable for the approval of the action and press the > button: the name will be moved to the section on the right Selected for this registration (Selezionati per questa registrazione).
It is also possible to select several names at the same time by holding down the <Ctrl> key.

If you want to remove the authorization of a person, carry out the reverse procedure: select it from the Selected for this registration (Selezionati per questa registrazione)  section and click on the < button, to move it to the left Enabled (Abilitati) section.

Today’s date is automatically entered in the Request deadline (Scadenza richiesta) field, but it can be changed.

By activating the Notification via e-mail (Notifica via e-mail) box, the persons authorized for approval will receive an e-mail alert containing a standard text. This text can be changed by activating the Show message before sending (Mostra messaggio prima di inviarlo) box, which will open the email mask as soon as you click on the Exit (Esci) button.