The Audit form appears as shown in the figure:
Can be provided for one or more checks, to verify the effectiveness of the action implemented.
- To add a new audit, press the + button
- Indicate the Date of verification of effectiveness and the Checker (if not indicated at this time, his name must still be entered before checking the Check completed) box).
- In the Description of the audit and comments of the checker field, enter the details of the verification. Also in this case, the first line of what is written will be shown in the upper table, so that, if more controls are provided, they can be summarized all together. However, to view the new row you have to move with the mouse to a previous one in the table or exit the Audit tab and then re-enter.
Each verification entered is marked by a progressive number (column N.), which increases automatically. In this way it is possible to insert more than one verification on the same date. The various checks are in any case sorted by date.
To delete a check, select it on the table and press the x button.
For the moment, only the definition of the checks to be implemented has been carried out: the corrective/preventive/improvement action is still being set.
After the editor has written all the actions and checks to be implemented, he will return to the first tab, the Writing tab to ask for approval.
Once you have proceeded to verify the effectiveness of the action, select the verification on the table and tick the Check completed box.
In the lower part of the form, some fields will be activated for entering the result of the verification itself:
- if the Use parameter box was activated in the Writing tab, they will be activated these fields:
- Collected value parameter, in which a value related to the verification must be entered
- Diff. compared to initial val., which will automatically calculate the difference in percentage, with respect to the parameter entered during editing.
- In the Judgment field, select the one that best matches the outcome of the action taken from the three types of judgment proposed:
- Satisfactory
- Partially satisfactory
- Not satisfactory
When the required checks have been carried out, go back to the first Writing tab, to definitively close the Corrective/Preventive/Improvement Action Report.