
This section allows you to specify:

  • the Supplier of the instrument, specifying code and Company name, you can use the <F2> button or  01pulsante_lente  to have The “suppliers list”.
  • the Constructor of the instrument if it is different from its supplier and the construction date (if relevant).
  • the serial number of the instrument.

Are then inserted useful data to carry out evaluations of cost and effectiveness of the tools themselves. Then indicate:

  • the cost per unit produced
  • the Capacity in units per minute
  • the Production unit
  • Asset Code
  • Appointed operator
  • Any Notes you enter in its text field, with extended by clicking on the “blu dart”, in the bottom of the field.
  • It is possible to insert/delete an image, press the Add/Deletebutton that lets you select from a previously saved an image list.The image will be printed on the intervention plan.

Note: For correct display, the image must have   a 3: 2 ratio between width and height.