16 articles QW-06 – Tools and Equipment Control

Gestione aspetti di intervento e controllo

La scheda Gestione aspetti di intervento e controllo permette di definire ex novo gli interventi sugli strumenti e attrezzature ma, consente anche di visualizzare e di modificare gli interventi già registrati, ad esempio quelli importati con la funzione di Copia piano. Per accedere alla scheda Gestione aspetti di intervento e controllo cliccare il pulsante Aspetti…

Riepilogo materiali utilizzati in interventi su strumenti e attrezzature

La stampa Riepilogo materiali utilizzati in interventi fornisce l’elenco di tutti i materiali utilizzati per gli interventi programmati e straordinari su strumenti ed attrezzature.   I filtri presenti per la ricerca dei dati da stampare sono: Da data fine intervento / A data fine intervento, consente di circoscrivere il periodo nel quale eseguire la ricerca; Da codice…

Schedule Operations

Print card about “Schedule Operations” looks like in Figure: Fill in the fields From code/To code, depending on the data that interest you: to print the planning worksheet of all the tools, do not specify any code in the two fields. specify two different codes, to get the schedule of operations related to the tools included in…

Print Intervention Plan

Print Action Plan provides the essential indications about the parameters of each  intervention’s object variables, (provided in the Intervention Plan about an instrument or a tool). It then set out the methodology of intervention and, depending on the type of methodology, the following parameters (for example, if the methodology was temporal, are given the maximum…


The Pareto diagram shows the frequency with which  appear the not-conformities on instruments and equipment. In particular, it is possible to have two types of charts, with the option “Diagram on instrum./tool”  or “Diagram on Non Conformity types” : Selecting Diagram on instrum./tool you will get the diagram view for each instrum/equipm. the frequency with…


by the “new movement” button pressing is presented the request for the type of  movement that you want to register: The progressive movement number.  Num. Mov. is awarded automatically by the program, but can be changed. The  proposal Date can be changed. The Causal is the choice (drop down box) between one of the available…