To manage the movement of the instrument, including interventions, select the “Movement tab” at the bottom of the card Tools/Equipment Registry


In the main grid appears the list of movements of instrument which is always automatically updated and maintained in the historic movements;

For ‘movement‘ means any type of intervention on the instrument. In particular, the following types of movements:

  • Delivery to user : If the instrument was delivered to a user, and is therefore in use outside the company or within an internal Department;
  • Return from user: If the instrument is returned by the user;
  • Planned Intervention: If the instrument is subjected to an usual intervention, i.e. all planned intervention program automatically based on the previous tab parameters;
  • Unplanned Intervention: If the instrument is subjected to an intervention outside the program planning;
  • Return to use: If the tool back in use after being subjected to intervention.
  • Out of  service definitively: If the instrument is no longer used, sold or scrapped.
  • Class change: If the instrument, for various reasons (for ex. wear), is attributed to another class.

If the instrument has already been the subject of movements, these appear in the grid that lists the movements of the tool. Otherwise, the list will appear empty.


To add a movement, press the button “New Movement” that activates the Movement Management tab.




Normally, if a tool is in use, it presents:

  1. Status: the Status of the instrument, is defined according to movements:
    • In Service,
    • Under revision at a user, or
    • out of service dfinitively;
  2. N° of uses: the number of instrument, it must be properly recorded. This value must be updated regularly to be able to have an indication of time in which to perform the intervention.
  3. Allocated at: where is indicated the allocation of the istrument/tool to use.

(B)] the date of the last action performed (which automatically updates from the actual finish date of the Management of movement).

N.B. If instead, the tool is already under review, for an unplanned intervention or planned or is already in delivery to a user, in addition to the field last operation date, will show a field with the date of expected return: the program automatically reports the same maintenance date (assuming just overhauled the instrument falls in use), but you can change it if you plan a return date.

As soon as the  “return to use movement”  is made, the expected date of return disappears.


For convenience, It was been introduced “shortcut button” that launch directly the printing of the intervention plan: “New Scheduled Intervention” and “New Extraordinary Intervention”.

It can also print  The Intervention Report, by pressing the “Print Intervention Report” button.