To view a tool intervention plan you must be selected the label “Control and Intervention plan” :

A plan is a set of intervention aspects, which are listed with a sequential number, a code and a description.


To view or define the details of each type of intervention is necessary to press the button “Plan details” that will open the following board “Tool’s intervention and control plan management”:


To insert new intervention aspects  (or confirm/cancel/delete) use the button at the top of the tab:

“Add”, “Confirm”, “Cancel”, “Delete”

To insert a new intervention aspect we need to assign:

  1. Number: the program proposes the progressive number immediately following the last intervention aspect stored for the relative instrument. To enter data for a new intervention aspect, confirm that number. This number can be changed afterwards.
  2. Description: type a short description about the intervention aspects : a list of intervention aspects it can be presetted in Manage parametric strings under MSASP  Intervention aspects on Tools and Equipment.
  3. Type: select a macro-intervention typology between Maintenance/calibration/adjustment/audit. The built-in types can be modified or integrated in the tab Manage parametric strings, PSTIV,

After the defining of the identifiers elements of intervention aspects, it will be made the parameters compiling (the criteria or methods on the basis of which the intervention should be done).

By  “Prev” and “Next” button you can display the parameters associated with each intervention aspect in the grid.


You can define three large areas substantially:

  1. Operation frequency
  2. Measurement values (if it subject on)
  3. Standard Tools references and performers

Operation frequency

First level: define the frequency operation , i.e. the mode that must be activated the ordinary intervention. Four hypotheses are possible:

  1. By Time: the intervention takes place after a certain period of time;
  2. By Number of uses: the intervention occurs when device has exceeded a certain number of uses,
  3. Every cycle of use: the intervention takes place after each cycle of use.
  4. Extemporaneous: the intervention is to be made not according to a fixed deadline, but at any time, in which it intervenes for other reasons on the instrument itself.

Second level : for each of the above listed intervention Frequency mode, activate other fields, in which are specified Criteria for the automatic calculation of the specific time of intervention.

  1. In case the intervention methodology and By Time are activated in the following fields:
  • Maximum time between 2 operations (days), where is the maximum time, in days, that can elapse between two controls; using this value you can preset the date of surgery.
  • Average time per cycle use (days), where is the average time, in days, of the duration of a single cycle of use.
  • Average number of uses per cycle, where the average number of uses during a single cycle of use. This value, together with the former allows to estimate the number of uses per day.
  1. In the case that the intervention methodology both By number of uses, in addition to the three above-mentioned fields, activate the other two:
  • Maximum number of uses between two operations and
  • Number of uses next intervention, where specifically indicated the number of uses after which the next intervention will be required.
  1. If the methodology is intervention every cycle of use, activate only two fields:
  • Average time per cycle use (days), where is the average time, in days, of the duration of a single cycle of use.
  • Average number of uses per cycle, where the average number of uses during a single cycle of use. This value, together with the precedent allows to estimate the number of daily use.
  1. Finally, if the methodology is Extemporaneous, there are no specific fields for addictional information, because by its nature the extemporaneous review is not scheduled.

Other fields adding details on execution methods of intervention (Please NOTE that these fields are not always simultaneously present, they are activated or less depending on the chosen intervention methodology):

  • Time required for operations (hours), where it indicates the expected duration for the intervention.
  • Downtime Machine (days), where it stated the time of downtime normally required in days.
  • Number of required people, where are the resources to devote to the intervention.
  • Date Last intervention.
  • Next intervention scheduled date, where indicated the date set for the next intervention, particularly important if the intervention frequency is by time.

Measurement values

If the control variable tool refers to a measurement, tick “Perform measurement” and then define the Number of measures that will be made. In addition:

  1. in the field Nominal, type nominal value, i.e. the value ideally required because the measure is judged to be conform;
  2. in the field Minimum, type the minimum value below which the measure cannot be accepted;
  3. in the field Maximum, type the maximum value, above which the measure cannot be accepted;
  4. Finally specify the units in its field.
  5. If you want to maintain control over the tool wear for this parameter, tick the fieldwear measurement”, indicating in the field maximum Wear, maximum allowable wear to this parameter between two interventions. If the difference between the measurements exceeds this value, the program will report.

Standard Tools references and performers

The following fields can be easily completed using the associated drop down or the relative button:

  • StandardTool Category 
  • Standard Tool Class
  • Intervention performed by/at, choosing a subject in the video archive.
  • Finally, for any reports or comment notes, use the field Notes .

To facilitate the compilation of plans and control of similar tools, you can use the Copy Plan, which copies the current tab, the set of variables (and intervention aspects) of another article, whose Code (Category/code) it should be specified accordingly. If you do not know the code, you can search using the search button 01pulsante_lente.

At the end, when you set control and intervention plan, you must approve it, because they can be made speeches on it. So tick the box “Approved”.

The Editor’s name and Approver’s name are setted by the user,if it has intervention permits. If you wish to change the name you will need to know the password of the editor that you want to insert.

The interventions on tools/equipment opened and appear in “”Pending Activities” of the users involved.

To modify an intervention plan, press “Review Plan”. Then you will have to proceed to a new approval. If you want to remove the tick of approval to make corrections, you must make a fictitious review, by pressing the button shown above, and then bringing back the review index (P_Num.tendina) that is editable.