For each document class, you must define the Workflow Stages, i.e. documents intervention phases, each of which then you can enable various users (ratings Definition form).

By the General Management (Documentation Configuration), press the button “Defining Workflow Phases”, which will open a special form:


The first step is always to drafting and cannot be deleted.

To add other phases:

  1. Press the button P_AGGIUNGI and enter a code (code), a progressive that determines the order of the various phases (Ord.), and a Description; as in the example, it is better to leave free numbers between progressive and the other, in order to possibly include other workflow steps inside.
  2. in the field of the Description, you can report a more detailed description of the stage object, specifying any reasons or functions;
  3. in the field message text, it should be written what you want automatically changed on warning messages that QualiWare creates whenever users are called into question on each document (example below).

In messages sent automatically to users involved in the workflow, you can enter values in the fields in the database. To this end, insert in the message text the field names of the database to which you want to display the values in the form <%nomecampo%> or <% FieldName% > where “FieldName” is the name of the field and “” format is the format in the case of numeric fields (e.g. <% NUMBER1 999, 999.99% >).

  1. In the field of stage presence Status, you can enter the conditions written in dBL language presence; for example, you may need to check only project documents relating to a particular customer or just offer documents with a total value exceeding a certain amount, etc. In the example below, in the documentary category Specifications, has introduced a specific condition for when a schedule is defined as “critical Design”, there is a workflow step in addition, DG approval:

                                          fields [“CUSTOM1”] .value = “critical” Project

e. If you want a certain stage allows you to edit the document, select the check box “allow only
annotations on the document”
: those who will take part in this phase will be able to affix       only  annotations and do not change the document.


General window document Configuration by pressing the button “Workflow Designer”, opens a GUI called Workflow Designer that allows you to draw the phases also graphically: is an alternative to the traditional one and allows both to insert new, delete, and set conditions of presence.