From the Corrective/Preventive/Improvement Action Form, you can switch to the Improvement tab by clicking on the tab below: the following tab appears, which allows you to manage the actions related to the object in question, specified in the Writing tab.
You may provide one or more enforcement actions, with different expiry dates and evaluation parameters.
- To add a new action, press the + button
- Enter the expected date for the implementation action in the Deadline for completion field.
- Assign the Responsible, choosing from the drop-down menu.
- Choose the Interested Area from the drop-down menu, which can be an Entity or a Rep./Forn .; it can also be unspecified, leaving <Unspecified>.
- In the Description of action to implement field, enter the action to be taken. The first line of what is written will be shown in the upper table, so that, if more actions are foreseen, they can be briefly displayed all together.
Each activity entered is marked by a progressive number (column N.), which increases automatically. In this way it is possible to enter more than one activity on the same date. The various implementation activities are in any case sorted by date.
To delete an action, select it on the table and press the x button.
By clicking on the Audit tab, you can define the methods for verifying the effectiveness of the action set (Audit tab).
Once the action has been approved (see the Resolution section of the first tab), it will be possible to proceed with the implementation of each planned action.
The Completed box always refers to the action selected in the table and must be crossed as soon as that action has been performed: the on date field will automatically be activated, with the date of the day, which can be changed.
In the Notes consequent improvementr field, any comments can be typed.