70 articles QW-00 – Basic QualiWare Page 7 / 7


This function allows you to connect to the form from which it was invoked, any kind of external file, in addition to any other form of the program. The link then reflects the tree setting of Explorer, so that you can paste folders and subfolders and attach documents to each of them. On each form, can…


The print Customer/Supplier list provides the list of customers and suppliers with all personal data. The print form looks like in Figure: Fill in the fields From code/To code, depending on the data that interest you: to get a list of all suppliers of the registry archive, do not specify any code in the two fields. specify two…


Fundamental function of inventory management is the BOM (Bill of Materials) composition, i.e. structure of every product that is composed of multiple components. Frome the fields Code or Name you invoke the article of whichyou want to detail the BOM, i.e. components that the form it (and which must in turn be encoded just as raw…

ROLES Managment (about recording)

For each type of quality registration is necessary to define the roles, types of interventions, to which then you can enable various users (Ratings definition form). From the Users and permissions form, by pressing the button “Roles management” opens the following form: To define a role: Press the button and enter a code (Code) and a Description; in…


PRESENTATION OF THE FORM The Product’s categories form looks like in Figure:   On this form are listed all the product’s groups and subgroups the company for its suppliers and customers. In the top table, in the first column is inserted the Code of the category. We recommend that you assign a code of two or three letters, to…


DEFINITION OF BUSINESS UNITS BY ORGANIZATIONAL CHART The form Business Unit Management / Org. Chart collects all units present in the company, and it is important for the purposes of the allocation of responsibilities and qualifications. Compiling this form with each corporate unit must precede the filling of the Users and permissions form, in which the field Unit invokes the units here encoded. The form consists of…


 The Graphic BOM form provides a graphical view of the Bill of Materials and all documents related to the items that compose it. In the BOM Code field you must add the article of which you want to display the graphical BOM. To open the database use the button . Nella sezione a destra Proprietà del documento In the right section…


The scorecard for the sending of messages from the program looks like in Figure: It is possible to insert the names of direct recipients, specifying the e-mail addresses separated by “;”. To look up addresses in the list of users of the program, press the buttons To and CC. It is possible to insert attachments…


The Categories of  Control Instruments and Tools/Equipment looks like in Figure: In this form are described the categories (top) and classes by category (bottom) of all instruments and equipment of the company. The first are daughters of the others: inside her, each category can include macro-groups (classes), characterised by parameters such as the range (Maximum/Minimum measurable, Resolution,…


For clarity we present the Customer/Supplier Registry form, divided into sections, each of which encloses a certain set of data. The Customer/Supplier Registry form has the function of manage the database of companies with whom you have business relationships, be they customers or suppliers (material or work/services). It can also record your own internal departments, by categorizing them as suppliers.…