To use on iPad QualiWare is necessary:

  • enable Javascript
  • disable your pop-up Blocker. This can be accomplished by the icon “Settings” choosing “Safari” in the left menu.
    Note that for each form, at the activation form it will be asked confirm to open the same.


NOTE: it is necessary to consider that the iPad’s operating system has some limitations that are also reflected on the use of QualiWare. Listed below:

  1. You cannot upload files. You won’t be able to upload documents, neither add linked files or e-mail attachments.
  2. Scrollbars are not displayed. Therefore to scroll through a document tree or grid, you must touch the screen with two fingers and scroll up or down or left or right (in that case by placing your fingers side by side horizontally):ipad_config
  3. To activate the pop-up menu touch by a finger twice quickly the element that supports the menu itself (for ex. the control panel buttons or the elements of the document tree).
  4. The HTML editor is not supported. Notes fields in which you have already filled “Htlm text” will be presented in HTML text only read. Starting the editor by the appropriate button, it will be shown the HTML text. Where has been inserted “normal (standard) text”, you can edit it normally.
  5. In QW-19 Meetings, it is not possible to use Outlook so the requests will be sent by e-mail.