This function allows you to connect to the form from which it was invoked, any kind of external file, in addition to any other form of the program. The link then reflects the tree setting of Explorer, so that you can paste folders and subfolders and attach documents to each of them.
On each form, can be turned on the linked documents view form, using the button at the top bar.
NOTE The system administrator can, opening (with button or with the entry linked documents Management in the form menu) the linked documents list, decide to turn on that mask for all users. He was presented the following question: answering Yes, all users will view the linked documents window and they can’t remove it.
NOTE If the user cannot enable or disable the linked documents window, it is possible that the activation option has been defined by the System Administrator at the level of the Administrator Console; in this case, the user cannot change the option.
To paste other documents you can follow three paths:
Attach a document previously copied to the Clipboard
A document to be connected can be taken from any program form (other than the one where you are), from external files to the program and also from the Web.
Select from Explorer or from the Web the file you want and copy it to the Clipboard (“copy” from the menu of the right mouse button or <ctrl+C>); If you want to link a program form, open it the item of interest and, from any point of the form press from the menu of the right mouse button, Copy the link, or press the
button from the menu bar at the top of the card;
Open the form and the item to which you want to connect the document,
from any point of the form open the menu of the right mouse button and choose the entry linked documents ,
in the form that opens, select the location where you want to paste the document (which can be the entire item or a subfolder), open the menu of the right mouse button and press Paste :
Search for a document to be connected
If the document you want to link is not previously copied to the Clipboard, the connection can be made directly from the Linked Documents form:
After you have invoked the item of interest, from any point of the form open the menu of the right mouse button and choose the entry linked documents,
as before, select the location where you want to paste the document and from the menu of the right mouse button press Insert file: the Explorer window will open, from which you will search the file you want; and then double-click it
Connecting an Outlook message
It is possible to connect automatically a mail to a document or a recording of QualiWare.
In Outlook, select the mail you want.
Open the form with the document or with the registration to which connect the mail.
In the linked document window, open the menu of the right mouse button (pointing to the “root” of the tree to which you want to attach the document).
Choose the “Import messages selected from Outlook” entry (in parentheses are quantitatively specified the selected messages)
N.B. This function is only available if Outlook is open, and if there are one or more currently selected messages.
Connection with the so-called function Drag and Drop
Open the Explorer window at the same time, where there is the file to be copied and the linked documents window of the form that interest, side by side in order to see them simultaneously.
then, point your mouse on the file you want to copy and drag it, keeping it pressed in the linked documents.
Import a linked document in QualiWare
When you attach a document with drag and drop or when you connect it with the option Insert File, the program displays the following options:
By choosing Import file, this file will be copied to the shared area of QualiWare (in a folder that is automatically created within the Documentation and named Attached files – but not visible in the tree or in the Document Management Configuration), thus eliminating the requirement for the user to manage the copy of the file in a shared area of the server.
Example of connection of various documents to a product.
The first line shows the database record to which you connected documents: in this case is the Analysis customer’s datasheet.
So, is reported the whole list of linked documents. This list can be displayed in two ways:
free, i.e. as a real list of links
grouped by type of connection: grouping is done automatically by choosing the QualiWare voice group by type in the menu that opens by clicking on “Options”.
Tree display options
The menu “Options” presents the following options:
The first entry, Display automatic links opens the list of documents to be connected automatically, which can be individually disabled.
The voice Group by type, as indicated above, allows you to group linked documents on the basis of the QualiWare function of belonging or, for all those outside, under the generic label Files.
The voice Filter by data enables a field to insert the date from which you want to view the linked documents: “From date” (useful function in case of remote connections that are not more important).
The voice Sort by date reorder the list of documents by date, placing it at the beginning:
The date is established as follows:
for files, file date
for the recordings, is the creation date
for documents, the date of publication, if the document is published, otherwise it’s creation date
The voice View files paths, if enabled, shows the location of the linked file (NOTE only for documents that are actually linked; for those documents which have been imported, the link is not displayed):
Identification icons of the links
Each linked document has the identification icon of the file type:
Locate a Group
Locates a dossier created automatically by QualiWare (see par. regarding Collating of documents)
Locate a document drafted in QualiWare
Identifies a customer-supplier form of QualiWare
Find a personal form to QualiWare
Locate a project form of QualiWare
Locate a record (document, order shipping, QualiWare, invoice, etc.)
Locate a contact with client-supplier
Locates an acceptance report of QualiWare
Find a Datasheet of QualiWare (product, process, tool)
Locate a final inspection report or a form of management of nonconformities (non-conformity module, corrective actions, complaints, etc.) to QualiWare
Then there are the icons of linked documents:
PDF file
Word document
Excel spreadsheet
image (.tif or .gif, etc.)
a mail message (.msg)
html document
When you create a record from a form, the program creates automatic links. For example:
From a testing report –> Non-conformity Module, Non-conformity report, product datasheet, etc.
From an article form or a customer-supplier form –> Acceptance report, Final Testing, Process and Shipping
It’s possible – only in the client/server version – disable the display of automatic links between a registration type and another.
In the Linked Documents window, click the right mouse button on header and choose the option Display automatic links.
Remove the check mark from the shortcut that you want to hide.
You can set an automatic link between a document and a personal form: to this end, in the documentary category that you want to connect to the personal form, you should set a field that contains the name or code of the person in the following format: “<namee> – <code>”.