For clarity we present the Customer/Supplier Registry form, divided into sections, each of which encloses a certain set of data.
The Customer/Supplier Registry form has the function of manage the database of companies with whom you have business relationships, be they customers or suppliers (material or work/services). It can also record your own internal departments, by categorizing them as suppliers. This is to allow the evaluation of each Department.
- The Code, once given cannot be changed. If you do not remember exactly the first available code, enter the first few characters and then press the button “Complete”.
- The Description of the customer-supplier, however, can be changed at any time.
- After you confirm the Description, in the form appears the button “Copy”; by pressing it, you open the list of customer/supplier choice, among which you can select what to copy from the data.
- The boxes on the right of the tab, allow you to specify whether it is Supplier or Customer.
Distinction between acquired and potential
In addition to managing customer and suppliers acquired, it is also possible to manage the potential customers and suppliers: these are two separate stores, each of which is opened from the check box “Acquired/Potential reports”.
QualiWare automatically inserts an asterisk before the code number given to potential customers/suppliers, to distinguish them from the others. However, encoding is autonomous; once a potential customer becomes acquired can be given a new code.
In the Acquired Customer/Supplier registry form, in the “Linked documents” box appears the link to the corresponding potential registry form.
Conversion of potential customers/suppliers in acquired customers/suppliers
When you are in the potential customers/supplier archive, on the form is present the button “Conversion ratio” that allows you to transfer the customer to the potential store to the acquired store. Pressing it, the following window opens that allows you to assign the final code:
The program offers the alternative between:
keep the current potential code (without the asterisk)
set a different code: in this case, the program offers the first available code of the acquired customers archive.
If you ticked the Supplier box, you will activate the following fields:
- Internal Department
- Materials supplier
- Work and/or services supplier
N.B. The three options are alternatives: a supplier may be designated only as supplier of one type.
The Customer/Supplier Registry form also allows you to define the warehouses, for the handling of the ware and loading/unloading of warehouse.
In particular, the warehouse type can be specified in the Warehouse type field, in which, with drop-down menu, you can choose between the following options:
- Warehouse area
- Transit area
- Refuse area
- Test area
- External warehouse
The tabs “Location” and “Registered location (if different)” open fields that contain the address of the customer or supplier.
You build first of all the fields related to Location, restoring the Address, Postcode, Town, Province, Country, Phone, Fax, email, Website and the certified mail.
The Country field has a drop-down list that lets you choose between preset Nations in the appropriate table.
The buttons and
, next respectively to fax, e-mail (standard or certified mail), automatically open a message (see pict.) that can be sent directly (or via fax or e-mail).
The button next to the web site, opens the site in Explorer.
The button “Map“ connects with the Google site providing automatically the map of the company’s headquarters (provided, of course, are complete and correct address data):
The button “Course“ connects to the Google site, providing information on the distance, the course and the time required to reach the customer site (considering as a starting point the address entered in the QualiWare configuration site):
Where the registered office is different, specify it in the section REGISTERED LOCATION.
It is also possible to print the labels of customers/suppliers, to apply on envelopes or other. From Control Panel, choose the buttons “Customers-Suppliers | Print address labels“.
In the section of the Location when it comes to a customer, you can see the button “Add Site” that creates a separate registry for any yards linked to the same customer. The sites employees from a customer, are displayed in the Linked documents (that can be opened with the button , at the top of the form).
by clicking on the “registered office”, it will open the relative window, where:
- The code proposed by the program can be changed. If you do not remember the first available code, you can type the beginning, pressing the button “Complete”.
- In addition to the section Location, there is a section on Quality Data, simplified a bit from that of the Supplier Registry. Two functions are present:
a. the possibility to make a check based on pre-set parameters, by pressing the “Parameters Evaluation” button;
b. the possibility to specify if the site is subject to evaluation, by checking the box “Subject to audit” that displays the fields “Last inspection“, “Result” and “Frequency audit“.
Insert the Last inspection date and the Result (non predefined, so freely editable).
Pressing the tab “Data”, will open the section relating to the ACCOUNTING DATA of the customer or supplier, in which you can insert: the Tax Code, VAT (NOT preceded by the initials of the nation) the modes of Transportation, the Port, the modes for Payment and the Bank of support and the eventual status of VAT-free with its Exempt. Datas.
The button “Different dest.” opens a form for specifying addresses for delivery goods.
Select the tab “Typical Data”, which will open the following section:
In the field Sector, indicate a commercial sector in which to place the customer-supplier. The sectors must be previously encoded in the Causal Configurable Management form, CFSET voice Business sectors customers/suppliers.
In the Job Description indicate the production activity of the company and in the Competitors indicate, if it is a customer, any other companies with whom you may be competing against him; if it is a supplier indicate the companies alternatives to him.
The buttons “Organization Chart”, “Turnover” and “Contacts” open their forms for the management of the Organization Chart of the company, i.e. the names with direct contact information, of the Turnover, i.e. the summary of potential and actual ordered, year by year and Contacts, i.e. detailed logging of every contact made with the staff of the company.
Certification information
For both customers and suppliers, you can specify whether the enterprise has obtained the certification of its Quality System, by ticking the box “Certification obtained”. It will activate the following fields:
- Date: where must be specified the release date of the certificate
- Ref. standard, where you can type international legislation on the basis of which the enterprise has been certified;
- Conc. Agency: in which the certification body.
For any comment notes, use the field Notes, pressing the mouse anywhere on the field and typing a short text. For longer texts, for which both need much space, you can facilitate the writing and reading, press with your mouse the blue arrow in the upper right corner of the Notes field: this field will extend across the screen; to return to normal size, simply press with your mouse the blue arrow in the bottom right corner.
Qualification information
Only for suppliers and internal departments are also provided more data, related to the Suppliers Evaluation:
The Qualification of each supplier is performed automatically by the program when the conditions are fulfilled, i.e. when the outcome of the evaluation reaches a minimum score set for the recognition of qualification. Even the distribution across classes is done automatically based on the score in evaluation.
The parameter definition is done once and for all and the supplier status is automatically updated if, following an evaluation of suppliers, his score will undergo changes (you define parameters in the Configuration Evaluation suppliers).
The field Free-Pass Supplier, should be crossed out in case you want to admit that the supplier has the free pass on certain products. When you revoke the Free Pass to a supplier, the program prompts you to specify whether you want to remove it only for new articles or for those already in the list.
The button “Assessment parameters” opens the form for the registration of Evaluation Parameters, which do not come i.e. from automatic processing by the data acceptance program.
The button “Questionnaire” opens the form for Entering Suppliers rating points, obtained by questionnaires.
Tick the box “Subject to audit” if it comes to a supplier subject to periodic inspection by the company.
In the field Audit frequency (months) should be set a frequency of audit, so that the program can automatically plan the audits taking into consideration the date of the last audit performed on the supplier.
Fill with the data the fields Las audit date and Result.
By selecting the tab “Other” opens the following section:
The check mark of the box “Do not automatically generate orders for this customer” (which is present only for customers!) allows you to inhibit the automatic generation of work orders of that customer.
In the box “Password for web access” enter the password with which the customer/supplier enters the part of QualiWare Web Server reserved for customers/suppliers.
The button “Print Form” opens a window to create a summary with all the data of the customer or supplier.