The N.C Form, not as “Testing Report”, should not be sent to suppliers: its use is purely internal, in order to know, for each test document (incoming, process in progress and finished products), the non-conformities encountered and possible interventions across the Company.
The Nonconformity can be written in two different locations:
- From the control panel: main button “N.C.control” and secondary button “Module N.C.”. This way agrees especially in finding N.C. already inserted.
- By Accepting check or control over the process or control over the finished product, through the appropriate button, only if the tests gave negative results. Should this second way for the drafting of a N.C. Module from scratch, because most of the fields you fill out automatically from their audit reports.
In the first case, when you open the card to manage N.C. Modules from the Control Panel, it looks like figure (in the second case however the card is already populated with the data included in the Audit Reports).
Form header data
- Form Number; confirm the number proposed.
- Date of drafting of the module.
- Typology, i.e. source of non-conformity (various options are preset in the form”Non Conformity type”. In addition to these, which are predefined types (in Manage parametric strings under MNTIP types of non-conformity), you can configure other (see next parag.).
- by acceptance,
- by process,
- from final testing,
- from customer complaint
- from assistance,
- system,
- from tools/equipment,
- from report/complaint
- from project/contract.
- Importance: it can be larger or smaller, but a different classification can be done in parametric strings management under MNIMP Importance of non-conformity (form).
- Compiler
- Nonconforming product (code, description and unit of measure); the button
that usually opens the list of articles, on this form opens a special window which allows, in addition to selecting the article you are interested in, to create one from scratch directly from here.
- Responsible Supplier or Department (code and company name). In addition to selecting a provider from the archive you can add prepared a new code: the button
which usually opens the list of suppliers, on this form opens a special window.
- Business Unit of origin, chosen between the Business Entities Registry.
Types of Non-conformities
In addition to choosing one of the default types of non-conformity, you can define others (with the possibility to display only certain fields); in particular, the fields relating to the amount of product that does not conform (see parag. concern.), to the supplier who reported the non-confrmity(see par. conc.) and fields article Request or process Request. The choice is made according to the numeric code attributed to the type of Non-conformity in Manage parametric strings, according to this scheme:
- from 9 to 49: NO quantity fields, YES customer field
- from 50 to 99: NO quantity fields, NO customer field
- from 100 to 149: YES amount field, N0 customer field
- from 150 to 199: YES quantity fields, YES are customer field
Refer to the customer who reported a N.C.
“The Customer field” (Code/Company name) is only actived:
- If the Typology of N.C. is “Customer claim” or
- all types of N.C. customizable (Manage parametric strings) with a code number from 9 to 49 (see prev.par.) or from 150 to 199.
Data on the amount of N.C. product
The section about details of non-conform quantity is only activated for:
N.C. derived from tests (in acceptance, on the process, on the finished product),
N.C. derived from customer complaints or assistance,
all customizable N.C. type (by Manage parametric strings) with a code number from 100 to 199 (prev.par.).
That section is already completed if the N.C. had been drawn in the internal of a testing Report or a shipping Document (on which there is dispute).
- The name of the field report of acc. numb. changes depending on report which it originates (Testing Report/ Order / Shipping Report);
- The Lot, Shipping Note (with the date in the field of), Order N°. (always with the date in the relevant field of), and the whole section quantity detail report data from previous forms, but are editable.
- Charge to the supplier (only for non-compliance arising from Testing Reports) must be marked if you want to charge the supplier of material recovery, as it attributed the cause of non-compliance.
Description of the non conformity
If you have not already been compiled from “testing or shipping report”, compile the two sections:
Enter a description of the non-conformities and an eventually Proposal of resolution, choosing between Accept/repair/Recover/Make/Discard. These presetted options, can be modified by Manage parametric strings(REF. MNPRO).
Press the
button that will insert a blank line in the table. If you do not know by heart the N.C. code, press the click “types“ that will open the list of N.C. and select it from there.
- The field Type is compiled automatically, (as setted in the “types of N.C.”).
Configuring Workflow phases
- The section at the bottom of the form, named Workflow, is destined for the checking cycles and (audits cycles) approval cycles required for the form.
Note: the cycle is customizable by “Manage permission on form” (in “Configuration” tab, in the ribbon, in the top of the form); clicking on this item, will open the access configuration about Non conformity.
Based on the configuration defined in the relative tab, you will draw the workflow section.
For example
- At first are defined the following roles , providing a specific authorization in the case of derogations concessions:
- In Non Conformity form, the Workflow would be:
a. If there are no derogations to be authorized;
b. If it expected to grant an authorization about concession on derogations;
Intervention of verifiers and approvers
You can see all users involved in the workflow, in the Tasks pending (under the article “Without a specific expiry date”) and the reference to Non-conformity Form in which to intervene.
To give the check verification or approval, just click on the button and the program will report confirmed date.
Note the fields drop-down list with the names of approvers and verifiers are not displayed when the system administrator has set up on Non-compliance modules form the workflow window for all users (see Introduction to linked documents). In this case, the workflow and approvals testing is handled only through the appropriate window:
When the Verifier shall affix the mark, appears the date field (that is editable by double-clicking on it.
Linked registration
- In the Notes field “Treatment of N.C.” you can describe in more detail the action taken.
- next to the Treatment of N.C. field, by clicking on “Linked documents”:
- by the button “create signal. N.C.” you can generate from non-conformity form a N.C. report to be sent to the supplier or the manufacturer, to request the analysis of the causes.
- by the button “create corrective action” instead you can generate a corrective action.
By clicking on the “Costs tab” it will show a section in which are summarized the amounts of costs.
recording cost could be effected directly here.
By clicking on the “closing notes tab” it will show a section dedicated to finals comment about non conformity subjected (by the namesake button which open the “registration form“).
In “linked documents” are shown:
- the product technical form
- the registry form of the customer (whether Non-compliance is originated by a customer’s claim)
- the registry form of the supplier (if the Non-conformity is originated by a testing action)
In this window, appear only the linked documents directly; If you open the General window of linked documents (by the menu button at the top of the form) you can be view all indirect links, including:
- the number of the lot refered to the N.C. subjected
- eventually other N.C. (refered to the same lot)
- any other claims for the same supplier or on the same customer, etc.
In the end, tick the box “N.C. closed”: the program automatically inserts the closing date about the non conformity subjected: “N.C. closed on ..”.